Thursday, August 30, 2007

Computer Nerd!

This is a shout out to my CIS 105 class! Im in class right now not paying attention, so i thought i would at least give a shout out! If any one in from my class is reading this and is ever feeling generous dont be shy to email me some of the completed assignments to save me some time! JK! But seriously....dont be shy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I Got A Hair Cut!

I finally got a hair cut! Dont worry i didn't chop off all my hair! Actually you can't even tell i cut it! I only took off about 3 inches, all the dead stuff! I kept the same style so still no change in my boring hair! Well sorry i dont really have any thing interesting to post, i'll keep working on finding somthing interesting to post about! But until then enjoy the hair cut pictures with a 3 inch difference!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

hair cut

I need a hair cut! Its to the point were im starting to go crazy! Im also thinking about changing it up a bit! Does anyone have any cute ideas of how i should cut my hair? Please let me now! I still want it to look long though! So a buzz its out of the question....even though that would be nice!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Cute Cake

My sister in law is so good at making cute cakes! She gonna teach me how to make that sweet frosting!!! I forget what its called...fondit..or something like that! Anyways its super cute!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


This is my FAREWELL, i am now a full time coyote! Today is August 1st, the first day of official practices for my 2nd year of volleyball at CGCC! I am a slave to volleyball! The first few weeks i am going to be pretty much living in a gym, but when i find time i will hopefully be able to blog to you about how practices are going! So FAREWELL everybody!