Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I know it's only September and it's just barely starting to cool down just a tiny bit. But, i'm getting ready for winter! I often think about this especially when i'm daydreaming during school! I'm gonna list all the Pros and Cons of winter so i can decide if i'm excited or not so excited for winter to come! Let me know what you think are also Pros and Cons of winter!


1. Hoodies/Long Sleeves

2. Hot Chocolate

3. Winter Grass

4. Thanksgiving/Christmas. (Includes Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas music, Christmas lights, Eggnog, Etc..)

5. Cooler weather rather then triple digits.

6. Campfires and fires in the fireplace.


1. Trying to wake up and get out of my warm bed.

2. It's freezing in the morning and night!

3. No more swimming.

4. Shaving ice off of windshield in the mornings.

5. Everyone gets sick.

6. No more flip flops.

Volleyball Pics

Here are some pictures from the tournament last week! Check out the cutie in spandex number 5!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


After a long day at school and practice i finally got to head home! I can take two different ways to get home from the gym. One way is to take the freeway all the way home or to cut through Gilbert. Today i decided to take the freeway.....BAD IDEA!!!!! I started on the 202 and worked my way down and connected to the 60 and right as i passed Power Road i realized that there was traffic ahead. I was stuck for like 45 minutes just to move a mile and a half! I called my mommy to ask her why there was traffic, and i guess there was an accident on the bridge above Greenfield. Every one on the freeway had to exit!!! I also had this crazy bus that was behind me and it kept trying to push me out of the lane so it could get ahead! People start acting like monkeys when they are all trying to exit the freeway, let me tell ya! Since i had so much time i started to play games on my Ipod and texting on my phone. I thought i would never make it out!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome to Miami

This past weekend my volleyball team and I went down to Thatcher, Arizona for a tournament. Our last game was on Saturday morning, so as soon as we were done beating that last team we hoped into the Chandler-Gilbert Community College van and headed for home!!! On our way back I convinced my coach to let us stop in MIAMI/Globe to eat at the Burger House! This place is delicious! If you have never stopped to eat here then you are absolutly crazy! I normally get the Green Mix Burrito's. But to tell you the truth...its all good! If your looking to get out of town for a few hours i recommend Miami, Arizona.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Option....or Obsession??

Last semester i had a big 2 hour break in my schedule so everyday i would go to the coyote cafe and pick myself up a breakfast burrito! This is when i discovered CHOLULA SAUCE!!!! I started to steall it out of the cafetiria so i could eat my burritos in the athletic office. I keep it in suply almost everywhere! It is the best hot sauce ever and i am obsest with it! I pore this stuff on like crazy! I eat it with my breakfast burritos and my eggs and my flop overs! Its so good!!!!! I wish i knew where to find the really big bottles of if like the ones they have at Giant Hamburger! Note the picture below! Again...ignore Rachel and her crazy face in the backround!

I highly recomend Cholula Sauce for all your hot sauce needs!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!

Dancing Coyoties!

This is the CGCC volleyball team performing our stomp dance! I am on the far right! (Please ignore Rachel...she is pretty white and very off beat!)

So i dont know if i have told anyone but my volleyball coach can be a little crazy sometimes! She came up with grand idea to make the whole team learn and perform a new dance every tuesday before practice! And if we dont do the dance we have to run 50 laps! So far we have done a Hula and a Stomp and a Tongan dance and a Blast from the Past dance! Sometimes i would like to know what goes on inside my coaches head!