I am starting to get really excited for Christmas......as if you couldn't tell by my blog already! All the decorations are up (minus the ornaments) and all my presents are wrapped! Today I went shopping with my two good buddies Jessica and Ashley to finish off getting all my gifts for everyone. Of course, I had to spoil myself and get my self a pair of shoes which you will see on Sunday! Merry Christmas...TA ME!!!! And I couldn't finish the day with out a cookie exchange with my friends! I made the delicious store bought, premade Nestle Toll House cookie dough cookies that are a little on the dark side. I didn't have much time to make real homemade cookies because I was busy wrapping my presents and getting ready for practice. Anyways today just made me even more excited for Christmas!!!!!!! I love this time of year because everyone has the wonderful Christmas spirit! Also it is the time to celebrate the birth of our Savior, which is the true meaning of Christmas!!!! I hope everyone has a good holiday and that they never forget why we celebrate Christmas in the first place!
Y Abigail
These are just a few out of the many that i wrapped!
And if you couldn't read from the picture above....YES I'm wearing my Christmas Sweater.....and YES my light bulb earrings do light up!!!
I hope you weren't expecting to see a full plate of cookies! This was my plate...HELLO!!!