Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Happy Birthday Addison! 
Aunt Abby


So if you didn't know already, my sister Natalie is pregnant!!!! Lexi is her daughter and she is going to be a big sister next June! We are all super excited....especially Nat's husband David!!!

(I'm trying to get Lexi to tell you what her mommy is going to have and this is the best video i could get!)


Sunday, January 20, 2008


Ok so i hate it when MTV or VH1 show ANTM marathons! I can't stop watching them and they always keep me up until the wee hours of the night......like right now! My favorite season is on so i can't help but watch it! 


Its pretty official...........I am now an Apple fan! 

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back to School!

OHHH back to school, back to school to prove to dad that I'm no fool! 

Well let me just start off by saying that I feel that winter break just wasn't long enough...or it just went by too fast! Today was the is the first day of school for me this semester and I'm not really excited! Since I am no long having to play volleyball i can take classes whenever i want! I am taking all my classes on Mondays and Wednesdays! I have never done it like this before and all i can say so far is that it is going to be a long semester! I'm going to need all the help i can get with this semester! We'll see how it goes, wish me luck!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Well I'm back from Mexico! Since I haven't gone on any vactions for a while it felt really good to get a way! I put up a couple pictures so feel free to follow along as I take you on a tour!
Picture #1: This picture is of Jeff and I after about 6 or 7 hours in the truck with about another hour to go! As you can tell by my hair I don't do good in car rides.....ESCPECIALLY SLOW ONES!!
Picture #2: This is me sitting on the balcony of the house when I finally arrived in Kino Bay!
Picture #3: This is the taco shop! This is one of the biggest reasons why i wanted to go down to Mexico! It is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I was so sad that i only had the chance to eat there once this trip!!!!!!! (once again.....ignore the car ride hair)
Picture #4: When we returned from dinner my sister-in-law Melissa wanted to play with a few fireworks! I shot of a few Roman Candles and M-80's! We also had a few giant sparklers that were lots of fun until they burnt out!
Picture #5: The next day we were just chillen out on the balcony drinkin Coke's and surprisingly it was super hot so TC and I decided to go swimming! But once i put my feet in i changed my mind about swimming!

Picture #6: Later that evening there was a really pretty sunset!
Picture #7: Since there was such a pretty sunset i couldn't pass up the great picture opportunity! I forced Jeff to come take some cute pictures with me! Thanks Jeff!

Picture #8: The next day we all went out to this dry lake bed to go shoot of these pretty sweet rockets! But since it was so windy the rockets would get blown away real far so Jeff and I were the rocket go getters!

Picture #9: This is me wearing TC sun glasses that he bought at the Del Mar the place where we get Coca Cola!! (I can't even tell you how many Coca Cola's i drank, they are so good their!)
Picture #10: Later on that evening there was another amazing sunset, and ya I made Jeff take a few more pictures with me!

Picture #11: Since it was too windy to shoot off fireworks and have a camp fire on New Years Eve we did it the next day instead! It actually was just as fun because it was Melissa's Birthday too! She is old....23!
Picture #12: After we shot off all the fireworks we chilled around the fire drinkin Coke's and made fun of Tc. You can see the house we stayed in in the background! Its pretty off the hook!

Well that pretty much sums up the Mexico trip! I'll probably put up a slideshow of all the photos that i took!