Jeff turned 27 years old on March 31st! We both decided not to do anything too big for each other on our birthdays so I made him a cake. I felt bad last year that I didn't make him a cake so he got a big version and a little version of his favorite, German Chocolate!
Thanks to Nathan Jeff was able to make a birthday wish....several times! :)
In return for my 23rd birthday Jeff made me my favorite cake CONFFETTI with SPRINKLES!! It was so cute and I forgot to get a good picture of it! I was pretty impressed!!
Thanks Sweetie!!!
My parents invited Natalie and I over for Sunday dinner May 1st which is Natalie's b-day! Natalie and I have celebrated our b-days several times over the years!! She is exactly 7 years older than me(23) so you do the math! HAHA

My Mom made a post on her blog about the two of us! Here is a sneak peek of us back in the day! (Like my Bangs?? There was just a short period of time in my life that I actually had bangs!)

School is F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. out!! Here's how I did:
C's get degrees "so suck on that!!!"
(notice the quotes)
Now that school is finally out and I can enjoy my life and sleep in!! Jeff and I got around to cleaning out our second bedroom! We moved our desk out of our front room and into here! We both are really liking the change and extra space in our front room!
Jeff got around to winding up our g-ma clock and now it dings and rings every half hour! I don't mind it!

During the middle of the semester I got a new job at Tia Rosas! I am serving there and enjoying it so far! I bailed our on PF Changs about 2 weeks ago cause of drama and mostly cause they never bumped me up to serving! Any girl that last as long as I did as a backwaiter there would understand but good luck finding one! I also was coaching and ended my club season! I think that I am going to take a break from coaching for a while and just focus on finishing school, only three more semesters. I have gone from 3 jobs and full time student to one job and swimming! :) I am super excited for camping and the ranch and just chillin!! Hopefully I will stay on top of this blog!!
ok now leave comments!
wow. busy busy girl! i totally agree with you- c's get degrees! (: you guys should celebrate the summer by making a trip to yellowstone! (: ha ha! miss you!
Those grades are awesome! I'm so proud of you. We need to go out again. Love you!
yeah, talk about busy! This summer sounds definitely needed. I am so glad you posted updates since somehow we live in the same city and I never see you:) we need to get together soon.
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