So let me just start of by telling you I LOVE MY JOB! Here's why.......
Every year my CGCC coach (Coach Vee) takes her club team to hawaii during spring break. She takes her 18's team to give them a harsh reality check on how much better the Hawaiians are at volleyball than Mainlanders. They have ball control and we don't....seriously! Lucky for me i had the chance to go with her my senior year when i played on her club team! It was so much fun and i had a great experience! Now that i have 2 years of awesome junior college volleyball under my belt i am a coach of my own! I coach the Molten 14, 4's team! Anyways back on track here, to make a long story short.....I was talking to Coach Vee about her going to Hawaii this spring and of course i had to ask if i could go (cause you never know) and to my surprise she told me that she could really use my help!! She also informed me that there was only one plane ticket left and it had my name all over it!!!!! So pretty much we both decided that i would be going with them for 7 days to hawaii to help coach! I am so excited!!!!! Volleyball has 2 sides to it, playing and coaching! Playing in the game and being on the team is fun but being a coach has its advantages! I finally get to go into the hospitality rooms and eat the muffins!!!!!! So that pretty much sums it all up! I love my job because it gets me a free trip to hawaii for 7 days....and i get muffins!
i would totally go, too. especially if there's muffins!
hahahahahaha its really funny because as players we always get mad that the coaches get BOMB food and we got crap. boo :( thats awesome though. yaaaaaa abby wabby!
sweet abs!!! i {heart} hawaii and i'm way jealous! oh & btw... i'm craving a muffin now, thanks! (:
so that seriously rocks! i heart hawaii! and you should eat some pineapple with those muffins!
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