Cooper Reed Hawkins

7 lbs 10 oz 21 in
Here is Coopers very first picture!! I am proud to say that I, Aunt Abby, was one of the first to hear of his arrival!! Nat and David choose me to be the lucky one to watch Lexi while they had the baby!! They gave me a call and let me know the good news that Nat was at the hospital getting ready! Lexi was with their friends until I got done with Ashley's wedding so I could go pick her up. As soon as the bouquet toss was over Jeff and I rush to go get Lexi so we could get her in bed, it was already passed her bed time! About right when I got Lexi in bed is the same time David text me and let me know that Nat was getting ready to deliver. An hour later Cooper was born!! And thats when I finally told my parents that Lexi was down stairs in our basement asleep! I loved the reaction on my moms face when she put 2 and 2 together! They had no idea that Nat was even at the hospital in labor, like i said i was one of the very few who knew!! I kind of had to hold my mom back from running to the hospital! I wanted to give Nat and David and Cooper some rest before the Grandma came! Anyways thats the story of the week and I am so glad that he is here!!! I haven't seen him yet but I sure can't wait to meet him!! I'll make sure to post more about him, AKA pictures later!!!!
I Love You Cooper!!
He is so cute! You have too many nieces and nephews, not fair. Maybe you could share?
he's way cute!!! congrats natalie & david!
Tell them congrats from Nate and Kerry. I'm glad you are a good blogger and can keep me updated about life in AZ
He is so handsome. I am so excited to have another boy in the Hogle family. Blaze finally has a buddy..
ps. Two more weeks and Cali here we come. Yeah!!
so cute! yay for nephews and nieces!
Very cute, whats the ring update? Whats his problem?
awh he's way cute abby! sad thing is i didn't even know natalie was pregnant... sad haha that just shows how close our familys have been lately!!
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