Yes people, it's true!!!
I am finally
I couldn't be any happier!!
Perfect Ring!
Perfect Proposal!
Perfect Man!!!
Heres the quick story....
Jeff got me to come out side my house to his car to go look at a drawing he drew today while he was "bored." It was supposed to be a doodle of a llama named Larry! But when he showed me this framed picture it was really this..

This is a pencil drawing of the side walk were Jeff and I first told each other "I LOVE YOU!" Notice the cute house in the background! Then he got down on one knee in the exact place where we first kissed and asked me to marry him! Of course i said YES and then he put the most beautiful ring (that i picked out) on my finger!! The end!
I'm not gonna lie i kinda new that he had the ring and that he was gonna ask me this week! I started getting really cranky because he was taking forever to ask me! But i forgive him now for taking so long, i now know why it took a while!
After a year and a half of dating we are finally engaged and we plan to be married in November!!
I couldn't be any happier!!
Perfect Ring!
Perfect Proposal!
Perfect Man!!!
Heres the quick story....
Jeff got me to come out side my house to his car to go look at a drawing he drew today while he was "bored." It was supposed to be a doodle of a llama named Larry! But when he showed me this framed picture it was really this..
This is a pencil drawing of the side walk were Jeff and I first told each other "I LOVE YOU!" Notice the cute house in the background! Then he got down on one knee in the exact place where we first kissed and asked me to marry him! Of course i said YES and then he put the most beautiful ring (that i picked out) on my finger!! The end!
I'm not gonna lie i kinda new that he had the ring and that he was gonna ask me this week! I started getting really cranky because he was taking forever to ask me! But i forgive him now for taking so long, i now know why it took a while!
After a year and a half of dating we are finally engaged and we plan to be married in November!!
What a great moment of reading blogs.
ahhh! yay yay yay! i love you guys! congrats!
Congrats! I knew it was going to happen last night so thats why I kept trying to get Brian and Laura off of Jeff's case on Friday!
Yeah! Let me know when you want to look at some invitations :)
let the wedding season continue
another harmony park love story . . .
I am so happy for you guys Abby! Congratulations, and I love the drawing!
hey congrats girl!!!! jeeeez. everybody is engaged, aren't they??? I hope there are some decent leftovers for me when I get home! haha.
I certainly agree-Finally!!
We are so excited to add such a beautiful (both inside and out) new daughter to our family.
Welcome Abby.
I love you,
Woohoo!!!! I was hoping you had posted something...I heard it was happening this weekend & I am so gald to see that it did!. I am SO excited to have you become part of our family:) You've got such an awesome personality and sense of humor and will make our Jeffy SO happy!(I think you're getting a perty good guy too:) CONGRATULATIONS!!!
YAY!! I'm so happy for the both of you! Make sure & tell Jeffy I said congrats, too! :)
Congratulations! What a cute story!
What a fun season of weddings in the HP ward. I'm so excited for you guys. Beautiful ring by the way.
Congrats Abby..We are so excited for you!!!
Abby and Jeff Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you I cant even stand it. Nice work on the ring, its stinking GORGEOUS!!!! I cannot wait for your wedding! Oh, and we will throw you the most awsome shower that was ever known to man......seriously, I cannot wait!
abby. congratulations! that is a really cute story too. i am so happy for you. and gorgeous ring!
Hi It's Julie Clouse (the twins sil) anyway, as the transition specialist (I really am not a specialist) I wanted to say congrats. I have been keeping my eye on you (and others) to see how everything is. You look soo happy and that is how it should be. I really hope this isn't dumb!!! Can't wait for the wedding!! Congratulations again!!!
Julie Clouse
Wow, i'm so happy for you! and the way he proposed to you is SO cute, I love it! Congats!!
your fave cousin
congrats abby! hope you don't mind sharing the month of november! seriously congrats you two are so cute! love it!
yahoo for abby and jeff! i still remember LOVING hearing the scoop when i was your VT, and now you two are getting married. good for you guys.
Abby! Its your favorite sister in law! I need your help with this blog thing, anyways I am so excited for you and Jeff's big day! I posted some pics from me and lannys wedding. How can I be your friend? ha ha :-)
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