Saturday, July 11, 2009


Most people probably wouldn't think this about my Mom, but she is pretty funny sometimes! I think she has an awesome sense of humor and I think that I get my humor from her! Here is one of so many reasons why I love my Mom!!!
E-mail from Mommy to me:
They say it is National SLurpee Day today, Saturday July 9th. We do have a few hours left in the day so who knows maybe we can get lucky and find a 7-11 offering a free slurpee.

It's nothing that big but I just thought it was nice of her to forward me the once a year chance for a free slurpee! Who doesn't want a free slurpee?!?! Slurpee e-mails are defintetly not the only awesome thing my mom does for me! She really does so much for me and all other five children and spouses and grandkids! She is so amazing! Anyways...Thank you mom for watching our for me and for your great sense of humor!! I love you!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jug Jigga Jug Jigga Jug Jugga JAH JAH!!!

(This is what happens when I tell him to smile)

I love that Jeff can play the GUITAR! Jeff is so talented with the guitar and his music skills! I know he would disagree but I'm his wife and you can take it from me, he's pretty good! He is so great at knowing music, he knows every oldies band and every punk or rock song and every 311 song too! I also thing he is pretty dang good at singing (good luck getting him to sing for you) and air drumming too! I would love to have him teach our kids how to play the guitar and drums one would be the Standage Band! I tried once before to sneek a video of him playing his electric but when he figured it out he said no blogging it! So sorry theres no footage! Anyways I love that Jeff is so talented in music because I sure as heck am not!

PS Here is a link to the Strong Bad E-mails about the guitar! If you don't get it or think its not funny then plan out a 30 minute time you can waste and play on that website! Its funny OK!

Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm a bad blogger!

Five Things!


5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
1. Living life as a big bad Junior in high school!
2. Hanging out at QT!
3. Buying way too many earrings!
4. Cruising around in the Cav with Whitney
5. Hitting up Neds a minimum of twice a week!

5 things on my to do list:
1. Get myself and Jeff ready for school to start!
2. Make a shopping list for a camping trip!
3. Laundry
4. Thank You cards....I'm Working on it!
5. Clean my Truck!

5 things I would do with a million dollars:
1. Pay Tithing
2. Buy a House
3. Have a baby!
4. Have a ridiculous shopping spree!
5. Savings!

5 places I have lived:
1. Mesa, Arizona
2. ASU Polytech
3. Tempe, AZ
4. Gecko Grill
5. The Basement

5 things I want to be doing in 5 years:
1. Have a Kid!!!
2. Have a Degree!
3. Have Jeff have a Degree!
4. Weight the same as a I do now!
5. Have a cool mom car! :)

5 people I tag:
1. Mom
2. Natalie
3. Melissy
4. Lacee
5. Lisa