All right i give in.....
I was probably hanging out with Becky, Ashley, Jessica, Kali, or Kassi down in my room playing the room game making a mess of my bedroom! Darling what did you do to the cheesecake?! HAHA
5 things on my to-do list...
1. School Work
2. Work
3. Do some laundry
4. School Work
5. Work
5 snacks i enjoy...
1. Flop Over
2. Beef Jerky
3. Thin Mints (especially during girl scout cookie time)
4. chips & salsa & guacamole
5. Glass of milk or DP
5 places i have lived...
1. Mesa, Az
2. Basement
3. Bedroom #1
4. Bedroom #2
5. Bedroom #3
what would i do if i was suddenly made a billionaire...
I would do a lot of things! First i would give 10% to the church then i would give another 45% of it to the government (taxes) then i would put aside money for all of my family then i would buy a house and nice 4 door car that is fuel efficient then i would buy nordstroms and put the rest in the bank!
5 jobs i have had...
1. afterschool sports referee
2. Justice
3. 13's V-ball Coach
4. 14's V-ball Coach
5. Rehabilitater
5 things you don´t know about me...
1. I own my very own kitchen table! It was a Christmas gift to me the past year and i love it!!!! It can be extended with leaves and has 6 chairs! It is so cute and is perfect for when i am off on my own! (Not any time soon ladies of the ward)
2. I kinda have an obsession with the Freedom Boardshop T-shirts! They are amazing!!!!!!! Probably the most comfortable shirts that i own and i wear them all the time! The fabric is so soft and it doesn't shrink or hug the problem areas! :)
3. I don't know if this is news to any one but i love love love the Arizona Heat!!!!!! I love summer time in AZ! I would rather be in summer 24/7 than any other time of the year! I know it can get too hot at some times but i love it and would never want to leave it!!!! Kinda random but, one time i sat on a penny that had been baking in my car all day long and i had a burn make of Abe Lincoln on the back of my thigh for like 2 weeks!
4. I am a pro at steering my car with my knees! I learned this trait from my father of course and have been doing it sense i have been driving the little red bomb! I usually steer with my knees on straight aways and bending roads but i have mastered a couple corners (32nd & Harmony) with just my knees! Its very helpful if i am trying to eat or read a text or find a song on ipod or just simply relax!
5. This is kind of strange but i have finger toes! Well at least my mom thinks i do! I am really good at using my toes to help pick things up or to open a door or random things like that! They aren't superduper long or anything i mean i still wear a size 8 1/2 shoe! I think my toes are cute even though my smallest piggy is kind of sideways and has hardly any toenail on it! It just helps me fit into my smaller heels even better!!! :)
Hope i didn't give too much info for one person that doesn't know me to handle! I am pretty crazy! Ok i tag Jessica because she needs to post really bad....its starting to drive me crazy girl!
i´m excited to see bedroom #3, sorry i didn´t make it down there before i left, i love that you´re just "buying nordstrom", can i shop for free? (: and you sold me on the freedom shirts with "doesn´t hug the problem areas" lol! i´ll have to get one when i get back! about a month! crazy!
abby you never cease you amaze me. hahahaha as if you even have problem areas...give me a break!!
It sounds like we have very similar toes, right down to the nonexistent baby toe nail!
Ok-that is the Funniest picture I've ever seen Abby dear, Hannah said, "that is NOT Abby mom!". She adores you.
Anyway, just got off the phone with Dalene-they are coming for dinner Sunday...you & Jeffy are invited as well(as always!)
i love you abby! seriously! and the room game was the best!!!!
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