OK so everytime i get that little bit of motivation to blog i can't upload pictures and then i just quit! So i promise that a big post will be on its way once i get a chance and some more motivation!!!
OK so sorry for the delay of a major update! But just to to feel everyone in, I am loving married life! I wouldn't trade it for anything!! Anyways I'm still working on putting things together at my new home so when I'm finished I will get some pics up!!
So I'm sure you all know by now which dress i choose but if you still don't know here are some clues! Check out my a mom's blog and my awesome photographer's blog! Jeff and i took our pictures last Tuesday and they look so awesome! I can't wait until next Saturday!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I got a big package in the mail today!! Take a wild guess as to what it might possibly be!!
Its my DRESS!!!
But I'm still keeping it a guessing game!! If you know already then no giving hints to other people! Sister Stahle, you better keep those lips sealed cause you got a peep show already!! Anyways to make it any easier for you i have narrowed it down to just 4 to choose from!!! YAY I'm so excited!!! Only 29 days to go!!!
Lexi, Mattie, Addison, Blaze, Jessi Mae
& one on the way! I love this new stage in life where i am starting to get tons of nieces and nephews! Its so fun to see my sibling have kids of there own and watch them terrorized there parents!! My favorite part of being an aunt is hyping up the kids and sending them back to their parents!! Another great thing about getting married to Jeff is that he has like a billion nieces and nephews already so I'm going to have even more when i get married!! I love all the kids and it makes me so excited to have some of my own one day!!
So this morning is beautiful! I'm not much of a morning person but i had a meeting early today and thats the reason why i am awake at 10am! Anyways the weather is so perfect right now! There is a gentle breeze with the most perfect temperature! This is one of my most favorite times of year because it is perfect for driving with the windows down! I love it! I am getting excited for it to be cold again but i know i will regret saying that come December! Thats why spring is my most favorite time of the year because it starts to warm up! To sum it all up, I love hoodies and AZ!!!
So i know i have been slacking in my blogging department, but you got to give me a break...i'm busy right now!
Anyways here it is....
Everyone i would like you to meet my new best friend/Truck!!! His name is Vanilla Ice! Heres why... Right when i first got my truck and was driving it home i turned on the radio and of course Vanilla Ice was playing. I had to name it Vanilla Ice because it just fit!
Also my mom got a new car as well. She is not as happy as i was when she got hers.
Please meet Snoopy!! When my mom first got home with her new car the first thing she tells me is that her car looks like Snoopy, which it totally does. This picture doesn't do its justice of looking like Snoopy but it really does!! Anyways if you didn't know, my mom misses her old car the Caddy very very much!! Now she is stuck with Snoopy!!!
I am finally ENGAGED!!! I couldn't be any happier!! Perfect Ring! Perfect Proposal! Perfect Man!!!
Heres the quick story....
Jeff got me to come out side my house to his car to go look at a drawing he drew today while he was "bored." It was supposed to be a doodle of a llama named Larry! But when he showed me this framed picture it was really this..
This is a pencil drawing of the side walk were Jeff and I first told each other "I LOVE YOU!" Notice the cute house in the background! Then he got down on one knee in the exact place where we first kissed and asked me to marry him! Of course i said YES and then he put the most beautiful ring (that i picked out) on my finger!! The end!
I'm not gonna lie i kinda new that he had the ring and that he was gonna ask me this week! I started getting really cranky because he was taking forever to ask me! But i forgive him now for taking so long, i now know why it took a while!
After a year and a half of dating we are finally engaged and we plan to be married in November!!
I'm not that sad to say goodbye but my mom sure is! I think she has issues with saying good bye to cars! Anyways I am carless for a couple days until i get a new one! For now i will have to use my other source of transportation! I have been wanting to blog about my skate board for a while but just haven't gotten around to it! Thanks to Becky Jessica Afton and Kali i was able to by this sweet deck and then Jeff hooked me up with all of my accessories!! Thanks Guys!!
A*AGE: 20 B*BIRTHDAY: april 18th C*CANDY OR CAKE: candy D*DESSERT YOU LOVE: puzzookie! E*Easiest PERSON TO TALK TO: Jeff F*FAVORITE SONG: I have lots of favs! Usually whatever is on my blog is my fav at the moment! G*GOLD OR SILVER: silver H*HABIT: shoes I*INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAYED: Never played, just attempted! J*JOB TITLE: food runner K*KIDS: yes please L*LOVE OR LUST: love M*MARRIED,SINGLE OR TAKEN: taken N*NEXT TO YOU: printer and shoes O*ONE WISH: too many P*PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: Jeff Q*QUOTES: "Statistically, they say you're more likely to get killed on the way to the airport. You know like in a head-on crash or something." - Lloyd Christmas
R*REASONS TO SMILE: Time to sleep!
S*STEAK OR PORK: STEAK T*TURNS YOU ON: food U*UNIQUE TALENT: walking in my heels V*VEGETABLE: no thank you W*WOKE UP AT WHAT TIME: 10:30! early i know! X*X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: arms knee teeth Y*YOUR FAVORITE COLOR: Pink Z*ZODIAC SIGN: aries
Here is Coopers very first picture!! I am proud to say that I, Aunt Abby, was one of the first to hear of his arrival!! Nat and David choose me to be the lucky one to watch Lexi while they had the baby!! They gave me a call and let me know the good news that Nat was at the hospital getting ready! Lexi was with their friends until I got done with Ashley's wedding so I could go pick her up. As soon as the bouquet toss was over Jeff and I rush to go get Lexi so we could get her in bed, it was already passed her bed time! About right when I got Lexi in bed is the same time David text me and let me know that Nat was getting ready to deliver. An hour later Cooper was born!! And thats when I finally told my parents that Lexi was down stairs in our basement asleep! I loved the reaction on my moms face when she put 2 and 2 together! They had no idea that Nat was even at the hospital in labor, like i said i was one of the very few who knew!! I kind of had to hold my mom back from running to the hospital! I wanted to give Nat and David and Cooper some rest before the Grandma came! Anyways thats the story of the week and I am so glad that he is here!!! I haven't seen him yet but I sure can't wait to meet him!! I'll make sure to post more about him, AKA pictures later!!!! I Love You Cooper!!
I LOVE FREEDOM T-SHIRTS!!!! Need i say more?! These shirts are the most comfy shirts in the world, and they don't shrink which makes them even more amazing!! Just so you know I think I have two other shirts that i didn't take pictures of and one that has been lost! By the way...does anyone know where my Freedom shirt with the bike on it is?? It is bright blue and the bike is all white and has no black lining on it? I had to get a new one because I lost that one!! Anyways, I am in love with my T-shirts!!
{I Googled Birthday Thank you and I found lots of great stuff! I thought that this one was a pretty good one! HAHA}
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made my birthday a good one!
Thank You Becky, Jessica, Afton, and Kali for the Freedom Gift Card! You girls know my all too well!!!
Thank You Dalene for the Costa Vida Gift Card!!! I will definitely put that gift to use!! :)
Thank You Natalie, David, and Lexi for the cute shirt!!! I needed an update on my wardrobe!
Thank You Jesse and Lacee and the Twins for the lotions!! They smell so yummy!!!!!
Thank You Lanny and Katie for the sombrero and pen from Mexico!! HY HY HYYYY!!!!!
Thank you Mommy for sacrificing your body to bring me into this world!!!! I couldn't have had a B-day with out ya!
And last but not least Thank You Jeff for everything you did for me!!!!! I loved the flowers and dinner!!! I can't wait for the rest of my present to come!! I am so excited!!! But most of all Thank You for being my best friend!!!!!!!!!!
When I was little I used to say that for everyone on there birthday. Well today just so happens to be my Birthday!! Yep thats right, I'm official the BIG TWO OH!
Today my brother Lanny got married to Katie! It is that time of year when i actually get ready and look nice for a change! I decided to take a chance and attempt to curl my hair!! Take a look at how it turns out!!
Thanks to my awesome Sister-in-Law Aunt Melissy (TC's wife) I had curly hair for like and hour and a half......until it went flat again! This just reminded me again of why i never curl my hair in the first place! It just doesn't curl!!
{The Dress} Compliments to my Mom!
With my hair (kinda) done and my outfit all planned out here is the final result!!